Monthly Archives: March 2012

Beyond the PDF: Experiments in Open-Access Scholarly Publishing (#MLA13 CFP)

As open-access scholarly publishing matures and movements such as the Elsevier boycott continue to grow, OA texts have begun to move beyond the simple (but crucial!) principle of openness towards an ideal of interactivity. This special session will explore innovative examples of open-access scholarly publishing that showcase new types of social, interactive, mixed-media texts. Particularly welcome is discussion of OA texts that incorporate new strategies of open peer review, community-based publication, socially networked reading/writing strategies, altmetrical analytics, and open-source publishing platforms, particularly as they inform or relate to print-bound editions of the same texts. Also welcome are critiques of the accessibility of interactive OA texts from the standpoint of universal design.

This roundtable aims for relatively short presentations of 5-7 minutes that will showcase a range of projects.

Interested participants should send 250-word abstracts and a CV to Matthew K. Gold at by March 20, 2012.