On Monday, I will be meeting with Bob Stein, founder and co-director of the Institute for the Future of the Book, to conduct an interview that will later be published in Kairos. If you think you don’t know Stein’s work, you’re probably wrong: over a long career, he has worked on a number of tools and projects that are used both within and outside of academia. He co-founded the Voyager company, which produced innovative books on CD-ROM, such as Who Built America?, and innovative editions of films on laserdisc, which later became the Criterion Collection; and with the Institute for the Future of the Book, Stein has been involved in projects such as CommentPress, Sophie, and MediaCommons.
I plan to ask Bob about all of these projects and about his career as an innovator in the field; I’ll also ask him to discuss the impact of mobile devices on writing and reading practices, the rise of new digital platforms for composition, and the rapid expansion of the eBook marketplace.
But I still have room for some additional questions, and I’d love to have your input: on what subjects would you like to hear Stein speak? Please let me know in the comments and I’ll try to work them into the conversation.